Episode 148

Published on:

5th Sep 2022

WHAT MEN WANT: 6 characteristics of a magnetic Feminine, with Chase + Mimi

If you're dating, single or in a long term relationship, and want to experience a deep, fulfilling connection, this conversation is for you.

What does the balanced Masculine request from the balanced Feminine?

Today Chase + I share, from our experience, 6 nutrients (or characteristics) that magnetize the masculine + feminine. Most of us have grown up with enough examples of these unbalanced energies, so how do we go about rewriting that script and acquiring the tools and language to co-create the relationship we desire? That's what we dive into.



Sound from Zapsplat.com

Show artwork for The Medicin

About the Podcast

The Medicin
Healthy relationship supported by healthy body / mind / spirit
The Medicin is all about creating deep, healthy, passionate love - with your partner AND yourself. They are not separate. We know from direct experience.

We (Mimi + Chase) were childhood sweethearts, married in our early 20's, spent 3 yrs of marriage figuring out that we had nothing figured out. In 2016 we actually separated + legally divorced, thinking we'd never see each other again. And after 3 yrs of intense self-development, discovery + personal epiphanies, we organically reunited in 2019 - with a whole new outlook on love, Source + the real Medicins of this life.

Now we are passionate about helping others create fulfilling relationships + lives by digging into the transformation work waiting to happen inside each of us. Healthy relationships start with a healthy YOU, and we are here to help - uncovering + discovering with you.

About your host

Profile picture for Mimi Lindquist

Mimi Lindquist

I am owner of MimiFit, creator of Brain Hits - the only AHCC food. Disease prevention educator and Culinary Nutrition Expert. Basically I teach people how to use food as medicine, focusing on mushrooms specifically.

Dental hygienist by degree. Nerd at heart. Chase-lover. Cat lady. Mushroom Queen.