213. ARGUE BETTER: Communication tools for couples that actually work with Relational Coach, Cathy Courtenay.
A conscious, fulfilling relationship does not exist absent of healthy communication. This conversation will help you navigate charged conversations in a safe container so that you can actually grow through the difficulty.
Cathy courteny: Relational Lover. Communication Junkie. Connection Cultivator.
In her words, "I’m continuously in wonderment about the complexities of being human and how there’s as many perspectives as there are people on the planet!
I’m deeply passionate about helping people move beyond their limitations in order to enjoy the deliciousness of the full buffet of connection and love! I’m a certified RLT (Relational Life Therapy) coach and a long time Circling Method Facilitator as well as an avid student of LIFE. I use all the tools to guide others in long-lasting relational transformation.
It’s time for us to step into the highest versions of ourselves through our relationships and create a better, more connected, loving world."
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