Episode 112

Published on:

31st Jan 2022

SHADOW WORK: Accessing our unconscious to get to the next level of our evolvement with Adrienne Abeyta

Sometimes to get to the next level of our consciousness, all we need is the right mirror reflecting our fears, stories, and even our magic back at us. Adrienne Abeyta does that.

In my opinion, there is no one better to speak with us on this topic than Adrienne. She works with all sorts of people, using tools like Pshychodynamic Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, Jungian Psychology + plant medicine to help uncover deeper layers of the soul, push through resistances and lovingly trigger us in just the right way that to assist in unlocking our expansion. 

When you listen, some of you will be drawn to work with Adrienne personally. I invite you to follow that nudge. I can’t tell you how many people have met with her then messaged me afterwards in awe of how she helped shift beliefs + shine the light in just the right areas.

We call her our fairy godmother for a reason!

ADRIENNE: Website // IG



Sound from Zapsplat.com

Show artwork for The Medicin

About the Podcast

The Medicin
Healthy relationship supported by healthy body / mind / spirit
The Medicin is all about creating deep, healthy, passionate love - with your partner AND yourself. They are not separate. We know from direct experience.

We (Mimi + Chase) were childhood sweethearts, married in our early 20's, spent 3 yrs of marriage figuring out that we had nothing figured out. In 2016 we actually separated + legally divorced, thinking we'd never see each other again. And after 3 yrs of intense self-development, discovery + personal epiphanies, we organically reunited in 2019 - with a whole new outlook on love, Source + the real Medicins of this life.

Now we are passionate about helping others create fulfilling relationships + lives by digging into the transformation work waiting to happen inside each of us. Healthy relationships start with a healthy YOU, and we are here to help - uncovering + discovering with you.

About your host

Profile picture for Mimi Lindquist

Mimi Lindquist

I am owner of MimiFit, creator of Brain Hits - the only AHCC food. Disease prevention educator and Culinary Nutrition Expert. Basically I teach people how to use food as medicine, focusing on mushrooms specifically.

Dental hygienist by degree. Nerd at heart. Chase-lover. Cat lady. Mushroom Queen.